Cyber Security

Cloud Storage in a Hybrid Environment: Features and Advantages

A hybrid cloud combines a private cloud and one or more public clouds, along with central software that connects them. A hybrid cloud is an environment that utilizes both public and private cloud computing services.

What is hybrid cloud computing?

The scalability & flexibility of these solutions ensures minimal security risks while maintaining high scalability. Both public and private clouds allow the data and apps to share resources and move the workload. By doing so, data is more secure as well as cost-effective. 

By using hybrid cloud storage, companies can secure sensitive data in the private cloud and share less sensitive data with third parties. With a hybrid cloud infrastructure, data flow is easy and management is unified. Admin can manage each cloud individually and ensure that it is secure and suitable for their needs. 

Features of Hybrid Cloud Storage

This hybrid cloud infrastructure offers several features that can make managing and securing it easier. Following is a shortlist of some of them:

  • Secure data and assets with top-quality security. 
  • Access data and assets with ease. 
  • Automate workflows for increased efficiency. 
  • Flexible and scalable. 

A public or private cloud can exchange data easily. 

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Advantages of hybrid cloud computing

Here are a few notable benefits of the hybrid cloud computing environment: 

·        An organization can customize hybrid clouds to meet its needs and make them fully scalable. Removing non-sensitive data from a private cloud can help reduce dependence on it. Additionally, it is possible to reassign resources according to needs.

·        Organizations can benefit from both public and private clouds. Hybrid clouds provide flexibility in data transmission and management thanks to their variety of options.

·        Cloud hybrid storage offers extensive customization options to meet both business and client demands. 

·        Cloud hybrids provide easy integration of public and private clouds for IT companies. A data error or blunder will also cause a minimum interruption in business operations. 

·        You can save a lot of money by migrating to hybrid cloud storage. Organizations only have to pay for resources that they use, which results in a low price. Generally, private clouds cost more than public ones. By minimizing the expense of resources and services, the total cost decreases.

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Top Hybrid Cloud Service Providers

With cloud computing, there are several options to choose from. Many of the top technology companies are offering their premium hybrid cloud storage. Here are some examples of hybrid clouds and an overview of each: 


Cloud platforms like Microsoft's Azure were very primitive a few years ago but are currently the second most popular hybrid cloud infrastructure. An organization can use it much easier because it is open-source. Hybrid cloud architects have appreciated the quick and convenient support that they have experienced.


One of the leading players in the cloud market is Amazon, with its leading public cloud globally. Around 40% of cloud space is controlled by it. AWS offers advanced computing, networking, and database management features in addition to content delivery. 


Adding an integrated stack and management automation, VMware becomes a leading provider of hybrid cloud services. The vCloud Connector connects public clouds and private clouds, enabling management as a hybrid network. AWS integration is also available for VMware. 


Google dominates the technical world. Google cloud platform has rapidly grown and gained recognition since it launched in 2010. With machine learning and big data technologies, the solution is highly effective in handling complex computational requirements. 


In recent years, IBM's hybrid cloud storage services have quickly gained traction. These benefits include control, speed, security, and low cost. 


With Rackspace hybrid cloud storage, big names like Dell and VMware collaborate to offer hybrid cloud services based on private clouds. This service is turning heads and getting the business it deserves.