Cyber Security

The most Common NoSQL Databases for Developers

Storage and retrieval of data with regard to computer security have always been quintessential for development processes. And this is the reason why NoSQL databases are employed by developers all over the world. As we know, SQL links multiple single tables in databases. NoSQL unifies data storage into single and larger tables. Wish to know more? Keep reading.

A sneak peek into NoSQL database

A database is an assembly of information arranged to be easy to access, modify, and update. NoSQL databases are a deviation from the regular operation of traditional databases and computer security because they don’t support data storage in tabular relations, unlike conventional databases. This is the reason why they are also called non-SQL or “Not Only SQL” databases. MongoDB, Apache HBase, and Cassandra are among the most popular NoSQL databases available. The salient features of NoSQL are:

  • Do not have a fixed schema.

NoSQL databases are flexible because they don’t conform to a fixed schema. Schemas are descriptions of database structures, including names of tables, names of each table’s columns, the data types, and several other features of each column. The description of a schema already shows you how complex it can be. So, not following a strict schema enables NoSQL databases to store and manage more significant volumes of data, whether unstructured, structured, or semi-, or partially structured.

  • Scalability

The scalability of NoSQL databases has vast implications for developers as they can be more agile and efficient in their projects. For instance, they can implement code changes faster than they could have with relational or traditional databases.

  • Can help in organizing ‘Big Data’.

Think about the terabytes and petabytes of structured, unstructured, and hybrid data processing in the digital world. These high-velocity data collections, generally known as ‘Big Data’, have grown so huge they can’t be efficiently managed or explored using traditional data management tools. And, although NoSQL databases were initially aimed at modern web-scale databases, they are currently used extensively in real-time web applications and big data.

  • Lucid to take up, unlike SQL.

As a developer, it becomes easier with NoSQL to ditch the complex SQL operations. The reason is that NoSQL has a simple design and strong horizontal scaling capabilities.

  • Open-source.

One of the best NoSQL database features is that they’re open-source, meaning they’re programmable or modifiable to meet desired enterprise specifications. Read on to see the uses of NoSQL databases.

What are the Uses of NoSQL Databases?

You can employ NoSQL database systems when you require any of the applications below:

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  • Processing large amounts of data with regard to computer security.

NoSQL databases generally outclass SQL databases when handling substantial amounts of data for a wide range of applications. NoSQL databases are built to manage Big Data because of how seamlessly they enhance scalability. Besides, NoSQL databases are capable of handling web-scale applications with no need for complementing systems. 

  • Faster development pace.

NoSQL comes to mind if you want to speed up your application development projects. In essence, the pace of development with SQL databases doesn’t come close to that of NoSQL databases. Developers using NoSQL databases can implement rapid changes on datasets without adhering to a fixed data model. However, SQL databases will depend on DBAs to reorganize each table’s structure after implementing every change.

In other words, even if developers are completely in control of development databases as in SQL databases, they’d take a long time to update data forms. The results will include non-uniformity in data and development team conflicts.

  • Scalability and Accelerated Data Growth

NoSQL databases enable your applications to contain a high traffic influx while considerably reducing interruptions or lag times. Scalability with NoSQL databases means the same database can handle all your analytical and transactional workload. In contrast, SQL databases function best with separate data warehouses and application databases. A relational database has the advantage of enforced structure over a NoSQL database.  The enforced structure ensures the sustenance of data relationships in the long run. And, although SQL databases are popular for their improved application support and maturity level, NoSQL databases take the lead when it comes to scaling databases with rapid data growth. In addition, NoSQL database protocols support the mixing of different types of NoSQL databases based on the needs of a specific application segment.

For instance, while some applications store most of their data in a document database such as MongoDB, they still utilize a graph database that captures connections between products or people.

  • Managing Varieties of Data

NoSQL databases make it easy for developers to manage and efficiently improve the structure of different data forms. They are designed to store, model, and manage structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data all in the same database more efficiently. That means NoSQL databases save you the time and resources of changing data to their code forms, i.e. you can store data just like you do your standard application tools. 

Available and Most Popular NoSQL Databases

Following is a list of the available and most popular NoSQL databases that you can lay your hands on:

  • MongoDB

  • Redis

  • Cassandra

  • HBase

  • Neo4j

  • Oracle 

  • Amazon DynamoDB

  • CouchDB

  • Memcached

Check them out!

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